I felt the need to post today. Josiah keeps growing up and leaning new things and I know that I need to be writing it down...this blog is my way of doing that. I am finding it ever so important to cherish all the little things that bring me such joy in life. Last blog, I wrote about the impact Dax Locke has made on my family...today that baby is dancing with Jesus. I can't explain the sorrow I have felt for that ailing little boy and for his beautiful, doting family. I would read his mommy's blogs and immediately put myself in her shoes. I internalized everything that she wrote and cried for that baby every day. I can't begin to explain why this happened or how a child could endure such pain. I am 100% follower of Jesus Christ and love him with my heart, yet I can't wrap myself around why this happens. I tell you what I do know... I know that He gave the world a tiny piece of heaven through Dax Locke. That little boy and his parents touched hearts around the world. He made people re-evaulate their lives. I am certainly one of those people. I often wondered why my family had to endure the pain of having a daughter/sister walk out on us or watching my dad endure the pain of being an outcast by his family simply because he didn't worship a church. It was heart-breaking to me and I would ask "why" constantly...enter... baby Dax. When I began to read Dax's story several months ago, I felt God. I began to realize that I had so many important things in my life. I didn't need to focus on my anger/bitterness that I felt every time I saw an old pic of my sister or in hearing her name mentioned. I kept thinking that I needed to cherish every moment with the ones that LOVE me. I also realized that I need to pray for the ability to forgive and move on to the great things in my life and focus on those things. By nature, I am a very loving person and want everyone to get along, but I also know that I am not always in control of that. I still pray that my sister's heart, along with my dad's family, will change and they will be open to this love that I speak of in my blog. I cry for them all the time and pray that their hard hearts will melt into something soft and pliable. Until then, I am going to cherish the moments with those that love me most. I am blessed to have an amazing hubs, son, mom and dad, in-laws, and some of the best friends in the whole world! (Amy, you are probably the only friend that reads this, so yes, I am talking about you -Muah!)
Anyway, this is what I decided to do today in my effort to "cherish every moment" as Dax's mommy would say. I decided to write down some of the things that Josiah does that make my heart melt...here we go:
The way he sleeps on all fours during nap time
The way he runs through our house screaming, "mama, mama!"
The way he runs his blankie through his hands until he finds a corner to hold
The way he breathes when he sleeps
The way he gets concerned when I cry
The way he squeezes my neck when he gives my a tight hug
The way he puckers up when I say, "give me a kiss"
The way he mimics my words
They way he folds his little hands when we pray
The way he claps for whomever said the prayer (he is a little charismatic)
The way he dances when music comes on
The way he pretend fights with daddy
The way he shares everything with me
The way he shares everything with others
The way he throws all of his bath time toys into the tub when I say "Bathtime"
The way he cuddles when we read together
The way he raises his chubby little hands when he has worship time with mommy
The way he sheds his socks five minutes after putting them on
The way he plays with his little cousin Elijah and his friend Addison
The way he asks for a cookie or vitamin
The way he moves his mouth to sing, but nothing comes out
The way he pats my back when he is crying and upset
The way his hands and feet get moving when he is excited to get in the car and go somewhere
The way he runs to me after nursery
The way he puts food into my mouth
The way he says "kitty" LOL
The way he loves his grandparents
The way he loves his aunts and uncles
The way he says "cool, dude"
The way he looks in jammies that are just a tad bit too small for him-ha!
The way he loves his daddy
They way he grins
The way he smiles
The way he loves me and his entire family
There are so many more "ways" that this child makes me cherish, but this blog would stretch to the heavens if I wrote them all! I encourage all of you to do this...not just for a child, but for whatever you hold dear in your life!!!! I love you all so much and thank you for reading this blog!!! Hopefully, I will write again soon!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009

Has it really been four months since my last blog??? Well, Josiah will be entering college next week...not really, but it seems like it!!! He is the most active little boy that I have ever seen! You have to keep in mind that I am with him all the time; so to me, he is definitely the most active boy I HAVE SEEN! ;) Anyway, he is building his vocabulary immensely! He uses phrases like, "I don't know," "Up mama," "Call Nana"...Yes, I am serious, he will hand me the phone and say, "Call Nana." He likes to hear the voices on the other end of the phone. He laughs and giggles quietly and never says anything back to the person talking to him! It can be frustrating because they want to hear his cute little voice so badly. Other words we are learning include the following: train, cow, sheep, moon (pronounced moan), kitty (unfortunately pronounced titty), and many more that I can't even remember. He calls my dad and mom "nana" and "pawpaw." He calls Seth's dad "Pa" instead of "Pap" and he calls Seth's mom "Momo" instead of Mimi. Last night, Momo and Pa ( :) )came for a visit and as they were pulling out of the driveway, he was waving violently and screaming "bye momo, bye pa." It is super cute. Another thing that he started doing recently is to carry a picture around of my dad holding him as a teeny tiny baby...he gets angry when you take it away!!! He found it in his mama's scrapbooking pile! The child LOVES pictures! We received the Quin family Christmas card today and he is having a hayday with it! He points out Momo and Pa, and he says "maw" for Aunt Molly, and he can point out cousin "lijah" too.. He can point the rest of the family out when I show him everyone.
J is like a little sponge, taking in everything around him. That is good for the most part, until he hangs around our friend Greg, known as "Uncle Hat." Greg teaches him words like "ocean" and such...if only it came out sounding like ocean. Seth and I will look at each other when he uses that word and in panic say, "what did he just say?"
Another thing that J and I work on together when we are at home are his colors. Some days he nails them and other days, he does not! I try to lay out all of his toy balls that are different colors. I then proceed to ask him for the different colors of balls and he brings that particuliar color to me. He likes that game! He is also still a fan of reading. The books of choice right now are "Trains," (thanks Aunt Julie), "The Cow Says Moo," (thanks Momo) and "Goodnight Moon" (thanks me). Oh, and I am going to buy him "Little Einstein" videos now. We watch it on Disney in the mornings and I think he is ready to upgrade from "Baby Einstein" to this one...so are mommy and daddy...VERY READY!!!!!!
We had a good Thanksgiving with both families! I always tell Seth how blessed we are to have TWO families that we get along with so well!!!! My in-laws treat me like a daughter/sister and my parents treat Seth as a son!!! I will say that this Thanksgiving has been a time for me to reflect on so much! I have been following the story of baby Dax. He is from Washington, IL and has leukemia. He is fighting for his life the very moment that I write this. I follow his mom's blogs daily. I get terribly emotional when I read this blog. I sometimes will sit by myself and cry for awhile. You see, he is close to J's age and I put myself in that mommy's shoes. She is such a great mom and she has made me realize what I take for granted in my life. Sometimes, we get caught up in the silly drama of our lives...may it be with family or friends or whatever else. I ,myself, struggle with problems with my sister and have prayed for reconciliation for years. This Dax story has made me realize that there are far worse things in this life. He is a baby fighting for his life and enduring pain that no child should have to bear. I have realized that I shouldn't whine over things that I have no control over. Instead, I should be thankful for what God has given me this year. I pray for Dax Locke and his family several times a day. My heart is full every time I read the latest about him. I am crying right now as I revisit the thought of his mommy saying that she doesn't have much time left with her baby, but she memorizes every inch of him and kisses him over and over again. I pray that God will help me to get rid of my anger and bitterness toward others and focus on the blessings that He has bestowed on our family! You never know what lies ahead...so for now I am doing what Julie Locke writes at the end of her blogs...CHERISHING EVERY MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. A special thank-you to one of my besties, Hilary Melick, for taking this beautiful shot of my son! I love you Hil!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
You turn around for one second and...
So my son is quickly growing up (actually he turned 17 months today) and he is becoming more and more mischievious. My friend Hilary makes awesome cookies and so I made a batch for my family. Apparently, Josiah loved them very much! I really wasn't paying attention and had forgotten that I left a bag of cookies that I had made for my mom and dad up on our table...totally in reach of my little scavenger. When I finally noticed that he had been really well-behaved and stopped whining, I wondered why. I turned around and there he was, double fisting two cookies out of the bag that he had stolen off the table and opened up. He was all smiles while several cookies were scattered on the floor around him. I couldn't help but laugh...and take a picture. These moments pass so very quickly and I don't want to miss them! Love you cookie monster...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Summer fun!!!!
This has been a crazy, yet fun summer!!! I have loved it so much! Today J, Seth, and I went to the Washington pool with my Aunt Julie and cousins Nate and Emma!!! We had such a great time with them!!! I believe family is SO important and I want to spend as much time with them as I can!!! I always say that in the end, life isn't about money or things or trying to hurt other people, it is about love! I LOVE being with my family and with Seth's family. It is always so refreshing to be in the company of people that know how to love each other! This world is so full of hate and anger and I want my son to spend as much time as he can being with those that truly love him.
Anyway, I am realizing that J may be a little swimmer like daddy, Aunt Molly, and Aunt Bets!!! He loves the water even though he seems frightened initially! He loves to play with water toys and the fountains! He is such a big boy!!! I can't believe how he has grown!!! This is only like the 5th time he has been swimming this summer. My friend Jamie has been so kind in letting us come over there to swim a couple of times. I hate to say it but I have only been to the Princeville pool one time! I love the pool, but don't know that many people that go there! I was able to have a mom's luncheon at my house and have some girls over from the area. I have been so lucky to meet some so many new moms in my area this summer! I was beginning to wonder where they all were!
Hmmm...what else have we been up to? Seth's 29th birthday was July 29th ( I just realized it was his golden birthday) . Most wives give their hubs a card and night out, but I decided I wanted to do a weekend, so Seth and I went with 3 couples to St. Louis for the entire weekend! We enjoyed our time with Greg and Sara, Ryan and Sarah, and Jeremy and Hilary! Each couple is so special to our little family! During our time in St. Louis, the boys did what they love...watched baseball, while the girls did what they love...shopped and got pedicures!!! It was a great time! We also went to the landing later on and had dinner! This was followed by a piano bar and dancing! We felt young again! I am so happy with the way our lives have turned out! Seth and I have such a strong relationship and we have surrounded ourselves with such great friends that have encouraged us so much!
Well, that is all for now! I will leave you a pic of my cousin Emma and J from the pool today!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Should I really even continue????
Well, I haven't done this in awhile...four months to be exact!!! I am so sorry that I haven't kept you up to date on the sweetest little boy out there, but mommy has not been feeling well, so blogs were not on the forefront of my mind. However, I am so sad that I didn't keep up with it because this is how I chart what Josiah is up to and so on. Josiah turned 1 and that was the last you have heard!!! He is now walking and TALKING a lot!!!! I knew he would take after daddy with all of that talking...that is who you think he takes after in the verbal dept, right??? Josiah started walking at 14 months. He had been taking steps before that, but never could walk far distances until 14 months. He is now running and mimics everything we say....okay, so now would be the time to be super careful! He has been saying dog, mama,dada, and choo choo (train) forever now, but he has added a lot to his vocab. He says nana (just did that yesterday when I addressed mom as "nana") and he also said chicken yesterday after I told him to "eat his chicken." He says "sit down" to sasha and says her name as "shisha," which does make mommy a little sad because it reminds me of Trisha. Some day I know she will want to meet this spunky little nephew of hers...I have realized it is not something I can bring into existence...I continue to pray until then. God has given me peace in knowing that I have done all that I can. Anyway, my blog is about my baby, not my sister, so enough about that. Josiah is very social! I work in nursery at church once a month and I get to see it firsthand. He loves to play with the little children in there. He squeals in excitement when he sees "tiny people." I love to watch it. My friend Sarah has a little boy that is 3 months younger than him and I love to watch them together. Last night, I visited their family, and we had both the boys down to thier diapers and they ran around enjoying their freedom! They are soooo adorable!!!! I wish I would have taken a pic of them. I love this child so much and my heart is full of love when I see those chubby cheeks or I hear his little feet running through the house...can't remember life before that...don't think I want to either! Oh, and since last entry, my SIL Molly and her hubs, Ryan welcomed little Elijah Quin Hite. We were thrilled for them. Molly has been so good to me and has always made me feel like a real sister...it was so great to be at the hospital when that little guy arrived! He is SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!! I look forward to our boys getting into mischief together!!! I am sure J will show him how! Okay, so here it is...the latest...I am going to do better! I promise!!
Love to you all!
The Quins
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Oh how I wish I could post my videos on here...I can never get that to work!!! Anyway, today is a HUGE milestone! My baby boy turned 1 year old today and I have a mixture of emotions! I am excited because I can see more and more of who he is going to be as he grows. I am also sad because this past year was a whirlwind and I know this precious time is going to fly by before my eyes.
This one little person has changed my life dramatically...and I have learned that I LOVE that!!!! My day is not complete until I have those chubby little arms around my neck. I love when he only wants to be with me and makes that fact known to me. I love how he dances to silly songs with me in the playroom. I love how he claps/laughs at himself when he does a trick we have taught him. This mother and son bond is more than anything I could have dreamed. Having said all of that, I also realize the responsibility that comes with this little man. I want to raise him well. I want to teach him love, compassion, and honesty. I want him to hurt with those who hurt and truly know life beyond himself. I know I still struggle with those principles as well, but God has never given up on me because I am His child...what a crazy thought!
I have posted some pics from our little party. Josiah was scared out of his mind of the candle on the cupcake...he is definitely not a pyro! Someday I will post a video on here so you can all see "Mr. Personality" or you could all just get a facebook account and see them there...you know who I am talking about ...Mama Q.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Okay, so nothing really new here...I know it seems that I have abandoned this blog, but not a whole lot of new things are going on. J man is still standing a lot. In fact, the other day, he stood up completely on his own without holding on to us first...hasn't done it again though! When he first started standing, daddy and I would clap and holler for him, which made him get completely excited. So now he stands until he knows that we have seen him! We then start the clapping/hollering exercise which prompts more standing, which can wear you down a little! However, I have said it a million times, but it is so true...there is NOTHING like witnessing a little person doing something for his first time! I feel completely blessed!
I also have been having my night time prayers during Josiah's final bottle of the night. By this, I mean that I pray out loud with him. Any hurt or challenge or praise that I have, I pray for with little J man in my arms. I want this baby to know where his mama gets her strength from! I also have been praying a lot for Josiah to be a man of compassion and to love others above himself. My mom and I were in Bergners the other day (community day) and we saw this kid that completely touched our hearts. He worked with severely handicapped kids and had one of them there with him to help him sell community day coupons. He was so great with her! He was the type of kid that had probably just graduated college, but was not out to "get ahead" or measure his life by the amount of money he makes a year. He chose the job he did to make a difference in these special adults/children's lives. I admire kids like that today. After his partner in crime had sold us a coupon, he gave her a high-five and said, "Good job Brianna." That is when my mom and I began to cry. At that moment, I realized that my prayer for little Josiah was not to go out and conquer the world and make as much money as he could, but rather, to make a difference in someone's life and learn how to be a compassionate individual! I came home and shared this account with Seth...tears streaming down my face the entire time. I am thankful that I was at Bergners that day...and I was thankful for that kid that made me realize what our priorities should be to truly make a difference in this world! :)
I also have been having my night time prayers during Josiah's final bottle of the night. By this, I mean that I pray out loud with him. Any hurt or challenge or praise that I have, I pray for with little J man in my arms. I want this baby to know where his mama gets her strength from! I also have been praying a lot for Josiah to be a man of compassion and to love others above himself. My mom and I were in Bergners the other day (community day) and we saw this kid that completely touched our hearts. He worked with severely handicapped kids and had one of them there with him to help him sell community day coupons. He was so great with her! He was the type of kid that had probably just graduated college, but was not out to "get ahead" or measure his life by the amount of money he makes a year. He chose the job he did to make a difference in these special adults/children's lives. I admire kids like that today. After his partner in crime had sold us a coupon, he gave her a high-five and said, "Good job Brianna." That is when my mom and I began to cry. At that moment, I realized that my prayer for little Josiah was not to go out and conquer the world and make as much money as he could, but rather, to make a difference in someone's life and learn how to be a compassionate individual! I came home and shared this account with Seth...tears streaming down my face the entire time. I am thankful that I was at Bergners that day...and I was thankful for that kid that made me realize what our priorities should be to truly make a difference in this world! :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Teeth/Standing/Baby Einstein
I have to start off by saying that Baby Einstein drives me up a tree!!! When I am watching it with J, I find myself completely irritated. The problem is that he loves it...especially the finger puppets on it. I am waiting for him to get out of that stage and move on to "Cars" or something that I can tolerate.
J is still trying to stand (he has done it three times off of a piece of furniture). He does this funny thing where he gets on one knee and tries to stand. It looks like he is proposing to mommy like 100 times a day. It is the cutest thing ever! I have not been able to get a pic of him doing it though! I will keep trying!!!!
TEETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE HERE...and we love them just as much as we thought we would. He has these little crunchie snacks that he used to let melt in his mouth, but now we listen to him "crunch" them with his toofers!!! It makes me smile! He has two teeth that are almost completely out at the bottom and I can see two more on the top that are on their way!!!! Hurry up guys...mommy is tired of buying all the organic purees or pureeing her own!!! Bring on the table food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a pic of his teeth...he doesn't let me open his mouth so they are hard to see, but he has bitten me enough to let me know they are there!!! Enjoy!
Here is another pic of J watching Baby Einstein...Note that silly puppet that he is infatuated with! Thankfully he is a little ADD and doesn't watch the entire program...just the puppets!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Taking a stand!!!
Do you know what I could possibly be talking about with that title??? Baby J stood for like 5 seconds today on his own without any assistance. The funny thing is that he had no idea that he was doing it. He saw that mommy had food and since he has become a major mooch when it concerns food, he crawled over to me and stood right in front of me. I didn't have my camera so I don't have a pic. I tried to get him to do it again, but he wouldn't. I am sure this will happen many times in the next several days, so I will keep my camera handy. You will see a picture soon!!!!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
More new tricks...
Well, Josiah has been busy learning new things by the minute. He now LOVES to dance! The second he hears music, he begins to move back and forth and shrug his shoulders! The little guy dances just like my dad...not exactly a good thing! He actually reminds me of my dad quite often. Aside from "busting a move," Josiah has been learning to give a high five. He especially loves to do that with daddy! His Mimi watched him the other day and I think they worked on it awhile because he LOVES to give high fives. It is so amazing to watch him learn new things!
Josiah is into everything! He continues to rip things out of drawers and cabinets (especially pots and pans). Another fave of his at present is to watch the laundry spin out in the machine. It cracks me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will include those pics!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Catching up!
I didn't realize that it has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged!!! It is definitely not because J-bird (as I call him lately) isn't doing new tricks. J is definitely ALL boy!!! He seems to love to put himself in danger which scares mommy to death. He can be both sneaky and faster than anything I have ever seen! He is trying to stand up in the tub, which is a big no-no with mommy and he is into EVERYTHING!!!!!! He opens cabinets and drawers and in the process has shut them on his little fingers which makes mommy cringe. However, it doesn't seem to alarm him. The other day he slammed three of his fingers in a kitchen cabinet...stuck them in his mouth and gave me a huge grin! I just don't get it...his fingers were bright red and he seemed to enjoy it! I have one fearless child on my hands and that frightens me a little because I worry about everything.
Anyway, J had many "firsts" these past two weeks, starting with POOPING IN THE TUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have several "mommy" friends that have warned of this very thing, but for some reason I didn't see it happening until the other day. I saw about 30 rabbit turds floating around in the tub. I was completely mortified by the sight! Once again, his response was a grin from ear to ear...such a boy!
Josiah has also gotten quite good at standing up in his crib when he is refusing to go to sleep. At times, when he is really angry about being in there, he begins to throw his toys out in defiance. That is normally followed by screams and angry babbling. I am hoping all of the words he is trying to say are clean! Ha!
J has also picked up how to point. He uses two fingers instead of one however! He points at daddy and says, "da da." He knows what he is talking about. We also believe he knows how to say "dog." He has his own version of the word (sounds like daw daw). Whenever he says "daw daw" he is looking at Sasha. Yes, he is a genius...I agree! :)
Finally, Josiah is getting really good at cruising! He goes across the furniture and sometimes gets really close to completely letting go and standing!!! I believe that will be his next milestone and we think it is coming soon!
I WISH I could say that J had teeth come through. I am always telling people I see teeth, but they never come through. I don't know what I see! I still see a white line on the right side on the bottom. I am SO ready for them to be here. I feel like we are going through a prolonged teething phase and I am ready to actually see one! Oh well, I guess I can enjoy those toothless grins for a little while longer!!!!
Anyway, J had many "firsts" these past two weeks, starting with POOPING IN THE TUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have several "mommy" friends that have warned of this very thing, but for some reason I didn't see it happening until the other day. I saw about 30 rabbit turds floating around in the tub. I was completely mortified by the sight! Once again, his response was a grin from ear to ear...such a boy!
Josiah has also gotten quite good at standing up in his crib when he is refusing to go to sleep. At times, when he is really angry about being in there, he begins to throw his toys out in defiance. That is normally followed by screams and angry babbling. I am hoping all of the words he is trying to say are clean! Ha!
J has also picked up how to point. He uses two fingers instead of one however! He points at daddy and says, "da da." He knows what he is talking about. We also believe he knows how to say "dog." He has his own version of the word (sounds like daw daw). Whenever he says "daw daw" he is looking at Sasha. Yes, he is a genius...I agree! :)
Finally, Josiah is getting really good at cruising! He goes across the furniture and sometimes gets really close to completely letting go and standing!!! I believe that will be his next milestone and we think it is coming soon!
I WISH I could say that J had teeth come through. I am always telling people I see teeth, but they never come through. I don't know what I see! I still see a white line on the right side on the bottom. I am SO ready for them to be here. I feel like we are going through a prolonged teething phase and I am ready to actually see one! Oh well, I guess I can enjoy those toothless grins for a little while longer!!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
One more year of the twenties!
I can't believe I am turning 29 today, but I can honestly say that I feel that I have certainly been blessed in life. My husband is wonderful and my baby Josiah is the best gift I have ever received! I have a really good feeling about my twenty-ninth year! I will be an auntie for the first time and hope to take some sort of vacation...I could use one! I just look forward to another great year with Seth and J and the possiblity of a second babe...way down the year! I also hope this will be the year of reconciliation...I am praying about that one! Anyway, whatever this year brings, I am truly excited!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
First day of nursery...and 10 month birthday!!
Today was the first day that Josiah went to nursery!!! I guess I thought that it woudn't be a big deal since he would only be there a little over an hour. However, I couldn't stop crying as I left him there. Today is his 10 month birthday so it was definitely time for him to go! They said he did well, but my friend Sarah had dropped her son off there and said J had had some rough periods, but was doing great. I kind of got the feeling that everyone was trying to ease this nervous mommy's spirit. When I arrived to get him, he was crying. I like to think it is because he missed his mama!!! I love the nursery coordinator there. She is probably nicest person out there and she kindly asked me if I noticed anything different about Josiah. Apparently when they tried to change him, he peed on his khakis so they had to give him the nursery pants to wear. This made me crack up inside because Seth's parents frequently tell me about how Seth had to wear the "brown pants" at Peter Pan pre-school due to urination issues. I guess what they say is true about the apple not falling far from the tree is true. Good job in nursery today baby J...know that it was harder on your mommy than it was on you! Sorry everyone (Amy and Molly hee hee)...no pics from today. However, I will leave you with a funny pic from this afternoon. When we got home from church, Seth was reading the paper and I put Josiah on the couch with him and gave him a part of the paper and shot these!
Okay, so it has been awhile!!! Seth and I went to Rodney's (Betsy's boyfriend) graduation party yesterday and while talking to my sister-in-law, Molly, I realized that this blog is not just for me as I had previously said. As we chatted, Molly said to me, "when are you going to write another blog?" That made me smile! So now I guess this blog is for mommy and Aunt Molly:) ( and amy if you still come to this one:) ). So, where to begin? I guess the reason I did not post a blog recently is because Josiah was sick last week. He really wasn't terribly ill, but to his mama, it felt like it. He had a slight temperture (101 was the highest) and a cold (little did we know that he would have a tooth surface this week! YAY for teeth...we have been waiting for you guys!) Seth and I spent our New Years Eve at home with our sick baby, but we knew that was where he (and us) needed to be. During his brief illness (his first real sickness in 10 months by the way) , he moaned and cried most of the time. His only happiness came in the form of a radio flyer wagon that he had gotten for Christmas. Seth and I had to take turns buckling him in (with Elmo in the other seat of course) and pulling him all over the house. That was tiresome work! That is where these pictures came from! I know what you are thinking...what kind of mommy takes pics of their sick baby??? I guess I happen to be the kind of mommy that has a pic of every "first" including the first time he was sick.
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