Thursday, December 11, 2008

An emotional morning

Today my Josiah is nine months old! I am soooo proud of this little guy and feel extraordinarily blessed every second I get to be with him (even if he is whiny, fussy, and obstinant). This morning we did our usual morning routine...eating, playing, trying to crawl ,etc. Josiah and I even had a mommy/son dance to Pachabel's "Canon in D." We did not do this intentionally, but it happened to be on and when we hear music, we dance. As I swirled him around the room, I began to cry. I kept thinking about how quickly these past nine months have gone and how it will seem like tomorrow that he will walk, then talk, then go to school for the first time, then drive, then go to college, and then get married. I know it sounds so silly, but I held him closer just because I know that times flies so fast and soon he won't need his mommy as much. My prayer for that little boy is that he will always love his mama as much as he does right now and that he will always know that his daddy and I only want the best for him and will be here no matter what. I thank God for blessing us with this beautiful child. I know I don't deserve something so wonderful, but I am certainly grateful! :) Happy nine months my love...mommy and daddy love you with everything that is inside of them!

P.S. We have our nine month appt today...I will post again later with J's stats and a pic!

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