Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am a ditz

I sort of had a rough week...I felt so exhausted and J wouldn't sleep properly at night so Seth and I have been really worn down. Wednesday was an especially bad day for me. I was running late to work for the first time ever in my six years at OSF and still had to drop J off at my mama-in-law's house. I was in a panic because I couldn't find my purse. I had gotten about a mile from home when I realized that it was gone so I went back home and woke Seth up at 5am to help me look. We never found it. I was so upset when I started out on my journey and kept wondering where my purse could be when all of a sudden I heard a thump and remembered that I had put the purse ON TOP OF MY CAR!!!!!! Some very nice gentleman stopped and picked up everything that had fallen out of it and had waited at an old bar outside of P-ville to return it to me when I came back. I really don't remember the last time I felt that stupid...okay, so maybe it was last week... maybe I did a number two in a bathroom that had no running water. That may have been worse, but that story is not appropriate enough to make my blog page. Does anybody else ever do stupid things???

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