Well, Josiah was officially eight months old yesterday! I have no idea where the time has gone. What I do know is that this little boy has healed me in so many ways. He has brought a great amount of happiness into my life and I feel very blessed! I thank God for him every day. At night, I find myself (as well as his daddy) peeking into his crib just to watch him sleep. He is the most amazing little man and has quite the personality already. He growls at us and laughs at himself and us all of the time. In fact, the other day, Seth and I were playing with him and he started to purposely shiver and laugh. This, in turn, made Seth and I laugh, which made him keep doing it. I am realizing that he is a ham just like his mommy!!!He is also beginning to rock back and forth on all fours, which means crawling in in our near future....oh my....he will soon be even more mobile!!!! Anyway, I decided to post some pics of J the past eight months in honor of his special day. I know, I know....this is boring to my readers, but I have decided that this blog is for me. I have not been as good as I would have liked at charting J.'s "firsts" and such, so I think this is the best avenue for me expressing my feelings about being a mommy. I am hoping that I will continue this so I can look back on it always! So here we go...I am posting some of my faves...thus far!

November 2008 ( 8 MONTHS!!!!!) So where is my little guy today??? We are getting so close to crawling. He is now lifting his belly and rocking!!!! It will be any day now! J also went on his first road trip this month and did very well! We went to Charleston to see Aunt Bets for her birthday! The pics of him in his costume with her and his Mimi and Pap are from that visit!
March 2008...the journey begins!!! Look how little and PERFECT he is!!!

April 2008-J is 1 month old and very alert for his age. He was so strong and able to hold his head up pretty well.
May 2008 (2 months)- Josiah had his baby dedication at Riverside Community Church on May 11. It was a truly special day for our family (it was also my firstMother's Day and J was 2 months old). We made a promise to God that we would raise our son with the Lord's guidance. It was a day we will never forget. Pastor John said a prayer over him and our wonderful families gathered in a circle around our family to lift us up in prayer. We were all very emotional! I pray that God will be with Seth and me as we raise our precious son! Aside from this special moment, we began to see J do mor things. He followed objects that we placed in front of him and he was smiling and making sounds for the first time. He was also beginning to move around more!
June 2008 (3 months) Josiah was very active during this month...he was able to laugh out loud and even rolled over a couple of times! Mommy was so proud of him...wish I could put that video on here, but for some reason I can't get them to upload!
July 2008 ( 4 months) Josiah began to take solids this month! At his four month appt, the doctor gave him clearance to start and he was a great eater right away! He also began talking/babbling lots more this month!
August 2008 (5 months)- Josiah started sitting up a little by the end of this month with either the support of mommy/daddy or his beloved boppy! He is eating more and more different fruits and veggies. Squash was and still is one of his faves. He also loved bananas! He became more loving this month and would give his version of a sloppy, wet kiss!
September 2008 ( 6 months) J became more mobile this month. He was an "independent sitter" and seemed so much bigger. He still was eating like a trooper. He loved all of the fruits/veggies that mommy had pureed for him. He also would start to move around a lot and roll more when on his tummy! This was also the month we learned that Josiah would soon be a cousin...in April!
October 2008 ( 7 months)- Josiah was sitting up and rolling everywhere during this month. He was talking constantly...still saying da da all the time, and an occasional ma ma (how does that happen?) He was a darling monkey for Halloween and is showing that he, like King Josiah, is very strong! I don't know if there has ever been a little boy that was more loved (unless you have your own of course:)).

November 2008 ( 8 MONTHS!!!!!) So where is my little guy today??? We are getting so close to crawling. He is now lifting his belly and rocking!!!! It will be any day now! J also went on his first road trip this month and did very well! We went to Charleston to see Aunt Bets for her birthday! The pics of him in his costume with her and his Mimi and Pap are from that visit!
Josiah's favorite toy is mommy's cell phone so this month's pic is him and his celly!!! :)
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